Farm Memories

He asked, and she said YES! We were so happy we were able to participate in such a special memory and the whole crowd loved the moment! Congratulations! How can we help you plan a special moment on the farm?

The Kirby's Granddaughter enjoying the farm with some fresh picked flowers.

Can a Toyota Tacoma pull a 100 year old Locomotive? Yes, Yes it can!

The skies above the farm are always showing off!

Teacher's Pet, our Monster Bus in a parade with some of our farm kids! Mrs. Kirby had to duck going under traffic lights! You can meet, and RIDE the Teacher's Pet on the farm!

In the middle of the Largest Annual Easter Egg Hunt in the World! Prizes, games, entertainment, it's the Rock-N-Roll Easter Train!

Great gifts available at special events on the farm like the Christmas Express Village Market and the Civil War Sutleries.

The Nature Coast Civil War Reenactment is one of the Largest reenactments in Florida and recognized as the only place in America where you can ride a Civil War era train through a Civil War Battlefield!