The Kirby Family Farm is a 501c3 educational destination. Our mission is to educate and reach children in all types of need. At-risk, foster, and special needs children are some of our focuses. Some children experiencing tragedy need a friend, or a farm to get back on track.
Through one on one mentorships, various programs and events, Kirby Family Farm reaches children of all ages. In 2015 over 3,000 children and families were able to visit our organization at no cost.
Your donation is completely tax-deductible and much appreciated. Kirby Family Farm receives no government funds and relies completely on donations and sponsors for its development and outreach programs.
We utilize Paypal for secure and verified online donations via credit, debit, or bank transactions.
If you prefer to send your donation by US Mail, our mailing address is:
Kirby Family Farm
PO Box 71
Williston, FL 32696
If you would like to donate goods or services you can contact us at info@kirbyfarm.com or (352)812-7435