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Paws of Honor Festival Education Day



What is Education day?

Education day is an immersive experience for children of all ages to learn about animal care and safety in a fun, hands on, environment. Education Day will be held on Friday, February 12th, from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Schools and Home schoolers, are encouraged to register early for this unique learning experience for all ages. Several learning stations will be set up throughout the farm with presenters sharing knowledge and offering hands on demonstrations. Please review the information below for more details.


What are the Education Stations?

Education Stations are individual areas demonstrating unique types of learning opportunities. The typical session lasts 15 minutes for instructional time and questions and answers. Hands-on opportunities are at the discretion of the presenter.

The current list of Education Stations is listed below. *Please note all stations are volunteer and currently confirmed, but are subject to change in the event of circumstances beyond our control.



1) Service Dogs,Emotional Support Animals, and Therapy Dogs–
Presentation comparing the various duties between a Service Dog, Emotional Support Animal, and Therapy Dogs.  Interaction with an Autism Service Dog encouraged! Presented by Dream Acres for Autism.


2) Basic Force Free Training Concepts and Techniques – 
Discussion, demonstration of basic dog training techniques requiring positive reinforcement that work!  Hands on interaction and learning available if desired. Presented by Phoenix Animal Rescue/Veteran Program


3) Pet Safety at Home and Traveling – 
Presentation focused on avoiding hazards at home that could hurt your pet and also how to support a safety network at home and while traveling. Presented by Kathy Owens/JHGRR.


4) Pet Nutrition and Food Safety– 
Discussion on the nutrition required by your dog in every stage of life along with the comparison of different commercial foods and the safety procedures to follow if your dog eats something harmful!! Presented by Cocker Spaniel Rescue


5) Toxic Plants in Florida that Could Poison Your Pet – 
Presentation with pictures and samples of toxic pasture and backyard plants in Florida that could poison your livestock and/or pet. Presented by Anthony Drew, Levy County Extension, IFAS


6) How to Choose a Rescue Pet that matches your Family – 
Discussion and hands on opportunity with puppies as to what to consider when adopting a new pet.  (i.e. age, size, energy level, fur type, etc) Presented by Linda Heigham, Humane Society of Lake County.


7) How to Find Your Missing Pet – 
What to do and who to contact if your pet gets lost from home or while you are traveling. Presented by Levy Animal Friends (LEAF)


8) How to Introduce a New Pet to Family & Pets at Home – 
Discussion and demonstrations as to how to approach a pet at home with a newly adopted pet in a positive nature that will make both pets safe and loved. Presented by Angie Klien, Humane Society of Lake County.


9) Puppy/Senior Pet Care – 
Both Puppies and Senior pets require special care to be comfortable and happy.  Ellen will discuss the special requirements a family must know to give them the care they need and deserve. Presented by Ellen Pavlik, Joshua’s House Golden Retriever Rescue.


10) Service & Therapy Animals w/ Hooves and Feathers – 
Hands on opportunity to encounter and discuss Llama and Alpaca use as therapy and service animals for the elderly, disabled, and people in need. Presented by Llama Love Ranch.


11-14) Animal Nutrition, Grooming, Maintenance, and Showing-

The Caprine 4H Club will have a number of interactive displays and will discuss all animal nutrition, grooming, and maintenance required of pets and livestock. Live show animals will include chickens, lambs, hogs, and goats. 4H will also maintain a craft activity corner. Presented by the Caprine 4H Club.


Should I register in advance?

To best serve our students and ensure that they are able to experience every aspect of the day, space is limited. We highly recommend pre-registration for admission.


How much is Education Day?

Friday: Education Day Pass is $5 in advance, $10 at the gate if available. Education Day Pass is valid for Education day, Friday, February 12, 2016. Gates open at 9am and close at 2pm. Education Stations are open from 9am -1pm on Friday. Education day pass includes all Education day Education Stations, train rides, and carousel rides. *Please note extra amusement rides will not be in operation for Education day. This day is set aside for fun learning about animals and animal care for schools, Home schoolers, daycares, and groups.


Where do I Pre-register?
You can Pre-register two ways for Education Day. For larger groups, you can email one of our registration specialists directly at or and they will assist you in preregistration, or obtain advance tickets online by clicking button below and select Education Day.










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