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Farm Partner Special Offer!

Kirby Family Farm is a 501c3 Educational organization. Donations whether material or financial are 100% tax deductible. Volunteer Hours qualify as Community hours for most programs.

Thank You for your interest in helping our mission of reaching children.


The purpose of our partnerships is to help the development and youth programs for special needs and at-risk youth, as well as involve organizations like yours in America's future, our children. The programs developed uniquely use railroading, history, and agriculture to teach as much about life as their respective fields. Our mission is to educate and assist children to get back on track, or stay on track in life through teaching, encouragement, and most of all, love.


We would like to offer this special partnership for your immediate consideration. For your sponsorship you will receive the following gifts to show our appreciation for your support:


1) Large, full color banner individually displayed on the farm for 12 months ($1000 value). (Over 100,000 guests are expected to visit the farm in the next year.)


2) Full color logo or picture on our website with a direct link to your business website for 12 months ($1000 value). (Thousands of unique visitors click on our website each year.)


3) At least 5 social media posts including your organization's support randomly within 12 months ($1,250+ value). (Our social media makes millions of individual impressions each year.)


4) At least one month on our homepage featured as our Farm Partner of the week ($1000+ value).


5) Presenting Event Sponsorships Discounts. Your organization can be a presenting sponsor of any available events at a discounted rate.


6) Free display and booth availability at all events. Introduce your organization or products live to thousands of our guests ($1000+ value).


7) Special activity recognition including 26" X 18" Full color sign at one of our public events within 12 months ($250 value).


8) Free Advance registration opportunities for all events during your partnership.


9) Random verbal acknowledgements of your partnership during events.


10) 20 FREE tickets to any event of your choice good for 12 months ($200 value).


11) A minimum of 20 complimentary tickets will be given away with your business as sponsor ($200+ value).


Total value of this partnership package is $5,400+.


For a minimum sponsorship of $1,000 you will receive all of the above as our Thank You for your partnership and support.

Bi-annual or quarterly payments are available.


Contact us at or call (352)812-7435 today!


We are excited about the opportunity to share your partnership with the farm to all the folks we reach annually. You'll be in popular company with our existing partners, including recognizable corporate and local organizations.



© 2024 Kirby Family Farm

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