Vendor Inquiry
Would you like to participate as a Vendor at one of our fundraising events? All proceeds from our events, including your vendor donation, help support the development and programs offered by Kirby Family Farm, a 501c3 educational center for at-risk children.
Who can be a Vendor?
You! Individuals, small businesses, clubs, students, artists, crafters, hobbyists, and others may apply for a booth. Non-profits and groups supporting children focused programs are especially welcome and encouraged to apply. You must submit application and be registered in advance. There are no signups on the day of the event.
Who do I contact to become a vendor or ask more questions?
If you are interested please contact our Vendor Director, Sabrina, at sabrina@kirbyfarm.com, or call (352)812-7435.
*Please note, we currently are not accepting food vendors. If you are a food vendor you may inquire to be put on a list for consideration.
The Christmas Express:
Registration for vendors is open.
This event begins Thanksgiving weekend and is active special nights throughout December.
Six Gun Territory's Wild West Weekend & Reunion:
Registration for vendors is open.
This event is the weekend of February 3 and 4, 2018. Hours are 10am-4pm.
Click on the form below to view or print a Vendor application form. For more details, contact our Vendor Director, at sabrina@kirbyfarm.com.